is a joint project by the supporting organisations Kinderschutz Schweiz and Guido Fluri Stiftung. The hotline was launched to fight pedocriminal content online more efficiently and quickly.
Report, information and advice
In addition to the opportunity of reporting suspect content anonymously, offers initial information and comprehensive advice for victims, legal guardians, parents, professionals, those making reports, and others. works closely with existing advisory and support centres, with advisory centres for offender/perpetrator prevention and for children and teens/adolescents, and refers people seeking advice to these centres. also has a number of prevention offerings and is pleased to pass these on.
Further reading: Advisory centres
Further reading: Prevention
Collaboration with the relevant prosecution authority
Reports to are passed to the relevant prosecution authority and examined by its specialists.
Collaboration with Swiss Crime Prevention (SKP)
Swiss Crime Prevention (SKP) is an intercantonal organization in the area of prevention of criminality and fear of crime. It works with the prevention authorities of the cantonal and municipal police forces and maintains contact with the Federal Office of Police (fedpol). In additional to governmental and cantonal players from all parts of Switzerland, is also part of its network.
Collaboration with Kinderschutz Schweiz
Kinderschutz Schweiz is an independent foundation under private law and active throughout Switzerland. As a non-profit organisation, it works to ensure that all children in Switzerland grow up in protection and dignity as well as in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Collaboration with KESCHA
The Helpline for Child and Adult Protection (KESCHA) is an information and advice service for people who are affected by a legal protection measure. Among other things, KESCHA advises people who have questions about the guardianship or about the procedures of the child and adult protection authorities (KESB) or the courts. KESCHA was initiated by the Guido Fluri Stiftung in 2017 and established together with Integras (Association of Social and Special Education), Kinderschutz Schweiz, Kinderanwaltschaft Schweiz (Children's Advocacy Switzerland), PACH Pflege- und Adoptivkinder Schweiz (Foster and Adoptive Children Switzerland), Pro Senectute, Pro Infirmis and the Conference for Child and Adult Protection (KOKES).
Collaboration with other helplines
Association DIS NO (offender prevention)
Advice + Help of Pro Juventute
FORIO (offender prevention)
Verein Beforemore (offender prevention)
«Swiss Sport Integrity» advice center
ASPI (Prevention Tessin)
Patouch (Prevention of violence against children and teenagers)